Pet Waste and Water Contamination Information

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EPA Brochure on Pet Waste


Water rights and pollution have become hot topics with Colorado Springs involved in numerous court proceedings pertaining to the water table and contaminants in recent years. The Colorado Springs storm sewer system covers an area of almost 200 square miles and consists of 389 miles of storm sewer mains; 118 miles of privately owned sewer lines; 250 miles of ditches/channels; 13,243 inlets; 1,459 manholes; 72 ponds; 693 major outfalls; and 1,316 minor outfalls. The storm sewer discharges to Fountain Creek and several of its tributaries. Fountain Creek flows north to south, bisecting Colorado Springs and eventually flowing into the Arkansas River near Pueblo, Colorado, which is about 40 miles south of Colorado Springs. Major tributaries of Fountain Creek in Colorado Springs include Monument Creek, Camp Creek, Cheyenne Creek, Shooks Run, Sand Creek, Cottonwood Creek, and Pine Creek.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notes that, “While livestock are the greatest contributor of animal waste, perhaps the least suspected source of animal waste is man’s very own best friend. Pets, particularly dogs, are significant contributors to source water contamination. Studies performed on watersheds in the Seattle, Washington, area found that nearly 20 percent of the bacteria found in water samples were matched with dogs as the host animals.”


The attached brochure provides additional information regarding how each of us can help reduce contaminants and ensure the health and longevity of our community.