

*The monthly unaudited financial statements can be found in the Board Meeting Agenda Packets on the Board Meetings page.


District Fees

Mill Levy is set at 30.423 mills obligated to debt service and 10.141 mills that may be used for Operations & Maintenance expenses.


Building Permit Fees:

Residential (SF) – $2,000/ unit

Residential (MF) – $2,000/ unit

Commercial – $0.25 per square foot


Trash Service – $16 per month ($48 per quarter)

Violation Fine:




Excavation$20/ week until resolved
Construction Hours$10/ incident
Pet Waste$20/ incident
Leashed Pets$20/ incident
Nuisance$50/ month until resolved
Trash Receptacles/ Refuse$5/ day
Unapproved Arch. Project$50/ month until resolved
Landscape Maintenance$10/ week until resolved
Lights, Sounds, Odors$20/ month until resolved
Vehicles$20/ week until resolved
Signs$10/ month until resolved