
Beautiful image of the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. Red rocks surrounded by lush mountain tops with green trees and blue skies.

Welcome to Mountain Vista Metropolitan District

About the District

Mountain Vista Metropolitan District has an existing mill levy of 30.423 mills obligated to pay off Debt and 10.141 mills to fund Operations and Maintenance within the District. At this time, there is no discussion regarding issuance of additional future mill levies. The Debt mill levy will remain until the obligated debt is paid off. The debt is currently set to mature on December 1, 2052 and there is currently no anticipated increase or decrease.

Here is a summary of the District’s current outstanding Long Term Financial Obligations:


Name of DebtInitial Debt Issuance AmountMaturity DateInterest Rate
General Obligation Limited Tax Bond Series 2021$12,000,000December 1, 20524.875%


The Mountain Vista Metropolitan District's primary functions are to collect tax revenue to pay off the current Long-Term Debt, provide covenant enforcement and architectural review, facilitate trash service, and provide operations and maintenance, including but not limited to landscape maintenance. Currently, the District is not anticipating providing any additional primary functions.

The District owns the detention ponds, parks and open spaces, and landscape tracts. See map for a visual of property owned by the District.

Mountain Vista MD is located east of Marksheffel Road between Barnes Drive and North Carefree Circle in Colorado Springs. If you have any questions, please call our District Manager, WSDM - District Managers at 719-447-1777.

Trash Service Requests

TRASH PICK-UP IS EVERY MONDAY. Please have your trash bin out by 7 AM for pick-up. Holidays will delay trash pick-up by one day.

For Trash Service Requests, please find the Mountain Vista Metropolitan District Service Request Form and submission instructions below.

Mountain Vista Metropolitan District Trash Service Request Form

Click here to set up AUTOPAY billing

Architectural Requests

For Architectural Requests, please find the Mountain Vista Metropolitan District Design Guidelines and Architectural Request and Application form below.

Design Guidelines

Architectural Submission Application Form (Online)

Amended Design Guidelines Draft for Community Review:

Design Guidelines for the Mountain Vista Community - Redline Version

Design Guidelines for the Mountain Vista Community - Clean Version


February 2025
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


The Mountain Vista MD Board Meeting on November 2, 2023 at 10:00 AM will include the 2024 Budget Hearing, to be followed by the Annual Townhall Meeting at 11:00 AM. A copy of the Annual Meeting Agenda and Board Meeting Packet is attached below.